VD Clinic Bonus Commentary – The Big Doll House
DECEMBER 2018 BONUS COMMENTARY – THE BIG DOLL HOUSE – While December is a time most shows bring you winter holiday cheer, Vanessa & Daeron cinematically travel to the Filipino jungle for a commentary on the Jack Hill women-in-prison movie “The Big Doll House”. No way we can hide it. We love Pam Grier. Coming later this month winter sucks as we cover the Tomas Alfredson film “Let the Right One In” & the Neil Gaiman story “Snow, Glass, Apples”.
Check us out: on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/VDClinicpod or on Twitter & Instagram as @VDClinicpod. Our email is VDClinicpod@gmail.com. Vanessa on Twitter & Instagram @KnittyMnkyGrrl. Daeron on Twitter & Instagram @DaeronWilson.
Music: “Long Time Woman” by Pam Grier.
DECEMBER 2018 BONUS COMMENTARY – THE BIG DOLL HOUSE – While December is a time most shows bring you winter holiday cheer, Vanessa & Daeron cinematically travel to the Filipino jungle for a commentary on the Jack Hill women-in-prison movie “The Big Doll House”. No way we can hide it. We love Pam Grier. Coming later this month winter sucks as we cover the Tomas Alfredson film “Let the Right One In” & the Neil Gaiman story “Snow, Glass, Apples”.
Check us out: on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/VDClinicpod or on Twitter & Instagram as @VDClinicpod. Our email is VDClinicpod@gmail.com. Vanessa on Twitter & Instagram @KnittyMnkyGrrl. Daeron on Twitter & Instagram @DaeronWilson.
Music: “Long Time Woman” by Pam Grier.